BABB App Progress Update #1
As shown during the AMA — our UI and UX is currently undergoing an overhaul while at the same time being built by our team of developers.
Our community needs to remain informed with regards to the progress we’ve been making, the core areas we’ve been working on as well as the new functionality that we plan on bringing within the app.
To that end, we’re writing this initial update out of a series of … as many as it takes, in order to give you some more information as well as start giving out sneak peeks of those parts of the UI we believe are most relevant at this point.
So, let’s get to it.
What has the product team been doing in the last week at BABB?
- Refined the already existing design and made it slicker for ease of use purposes
- Finalised and agreed on the user journey and user flows by redesigning the prototype and adapting it to new functional requirements
- Test iterate and review — getting ready to build
- Prepared everything to be sent to the development department
In the below wireframe and initial layout designs you can find some of the screenshots from the campaign section:
In the above screenshot, the campaign creation screen will allow a user to create their own fundraising campaign in three quick steps while allowing for the upload of one or more photos to go with it. We’re still debating whether videos should be initially supported as well.
Moving on, any fundraising app has two sides to it — the raising part presented above and of course, the donation part — which we’ll go through below.
The above screenshot shows one version of the campaigns themselves, neatly put together in a quick to access list while allowing a user to either create an account or if already logged in, to create a campaign of their own or make a quick donation — something which we’ll present in a further update.
While this was an initial progress update to grasp the sort of interest we get from these — we do plan on making this a regular thing as more content becomes available, as well as provide usage videos as we move forward with the build, so stay tuned!
Want to discuss more about the BABB App?
You can be part of our BABB community by making sure you subscribe to our Medium so you don’t miss any important updates, visit us on our Twitter and Facebook as well as drop in to say a quick hello over on our Telegram channel.
Disclaimer: BABB is not yet regulated as a bank, but we are applying to become one.